Dear Employee:
While we respect and appreciate your hardwork for XYZ Corp, we believe you are have a fundamental misconception, when it comes to your pay and benefits. Just because we pay you or contribute to your health insurance premiums - that doesn't actually make those things "yours". They are still ours and are subject to all of our deeply held convictions as a corporation in the United States. We have heard that you have been spending part of our money at ABC Corp., we can't tell you how troubling this is to us. The collective psyche of XYZ Corp - even the company's very soul is at stake! We have to inform you - that any and all expenditures at ABC Corp are strictly forbidden.
This is against our deeply held beliefs that not only is our money, our money - but so is any money that we spend on anything. Ever.
Thank you for your understanding. If your spending habits continue we will have to rescind that particular benefit.
Your Employer
While we respect and appreciate your hardwork for XYZ Corp, we believe you are have a fundamental misconception, when it comes to your pay and benefits. Just because we pay you or contribute to your health insurance premiums - that doesn't actually make those things "yours". They are still ours and are subject to all of our deeply held convictions as a corporation in the United States. We have heard that you have been spending part of our money at ABC Corp., we can't tell you how troubling this is to us. The collective psyche of XYZ Corp - even the company's very soul is at stake! We have to inform you - that any and all expenditures at ABC Corp are strictly forbidden.
This is against our deeply held beliefs that not only is our money, our money - but so is any money that we spend on anything. Ever.
Thank you for your understanding. If your spending habits continue we will have to rescind that particular benefit.
Your Employer
I realize the above example is a bit extreme - but in all actuality, it really isn't. If companies are allowed to dictate how an employee uses benefits provided as a condition of employment - what stops them from dictating how we spend our paychecks? How long until companies say they won't pay employees that contribute to political causes that are against their "beliefs" - Sounds far-fetched, right? How is this any different? What medications my doctor prescribes, what procedures I have, how I spend my paycheck, where I go to the eye doctor - all of that is my private business. The fact that they foot part of the bill for the benefits I receive does not entitle them to determine how I conduct my private affairs. Most people would think it ridiculous if this was a Jehovah's Witness employer suing for the right to deny coverage of blood transfusions, but because this company is headed by Christians - some how its deeply held beliefs are more important than that of the employees that are effected by these issues. No one is forcing any company to buy contraceptives other than insurance companies. How is this issue any different that McDonald's telling their employees that they can't eat at Burger King - or WalMart telling their employees that they can't spend their money at Target - or a Republican run company from telling its employees that they can't contribute to Democratic candidates? It isn't any different. Benefits packages are compensation packages and they belong to the employees that work really hard to earn them. Companies that operate primarily in the secular realm for profit - cannot expect to be treated like Churches, because they aren't churches. The CEOs of companies are not Pastors or Priests and they certainly are not Gods - the sooner the American people figure that out, the better we will all be.