"The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), enacted in 1994, recognizes the insidious and pervasive nature of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and supports comprehensive, effective and cost saving responses to these crimes. VAWA programs, administered by the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services, give law enforcement, prosecutors and judges the tools they need to hold offenders accountable and keep communities safe while supporting victims. VAWA must be swiftly reauthorized to ensure the continuation of these vital, lifesaving programs and laws."
The Violence Against Women Act - has been bipartisan supported legislation for nearly two decades - what's changed? More after the jump....
The Violence Against Women Act - has been bipartisan supported legislation for nearly two decades - what's changed? More after the jump....
I will be honest with you - very little of what the current GOP does makes any sense to me. As a human being, I'm ashamed of the selfishness and greed that seems to permeate the party...but I have to question the sanity of men...yes, men (primarily, anyway) that continually undermine the rights of women.
If you honestly think that the failure to reauthorize VAWA, reluctance to accept Equal Pay for Equal Work as the law of the land, or the continued attack on reproductive rights are not related, I have some beach front property in Eastern Sedgwick County to sell you.
There seems to be one thing that the current uber-conservatives of the GOP seem to be able to agree on and that one thing seems to be restricting and controlling the behavior of women. It seems to me that there is a subsection of the Republican party that is made of up of bitter, emasculated men. Men who get off on controlling every aspect of women's lives. Violence is a means of control, restricting reproductive freedoms are a means of control, assuring that female workers are not assured equal economic power is a means of control. This is all related. This is a way of making it as hard as humanly possible to achieve equality - if it's possible at all. And don't get me started on the women that side with these asshats.
It is time for the women of this country to speak out - LOUDLY. We will not accept being second class citizens - we will not accept being controlled - we will not accept their continued undermining of our fundamental rights.
I have the right to determine the course of my life, I have the right to decide whether to have a family or not, I have the right to medical care that I deem fit for my life and my family, I have the right to use the health benefits my employer provides, however I choose and I have the right to be paid the same as my male counterparts.
VAWA is just the latest example of the blatant disregard t