No Tax Money for Abortions!
"If they want to have a good time, why not let them pay for it?"
No Miss, you can't fill that prescription here.
I'm sorry Miss, but we can't perform that procedure at this hospital.
"If they want to have a good time, why not let them pay for it?"
No Miss, you can't fill that prescription here.
I'm sorry Miss, but we can't perform that procedure at this hospital.
How many times do we hear the above statements in the debate surrounding abortion and reproductive freedom? In my opinion, too many.
I don't know about many of you - but I have a lot of things that my tax dollars go to that I'm not exactly thrilled about.
I may not like every policy/decision my employer makes - but as long as it's legal, I have an obligation to act on those policies or be fired. Why does a pharmacist get to 'opt-out'?
I believe Catholic hospitals should be required by law to do everything in their power to save the life of a pregnant woman - even if that means aborting a fetus. However, that is not the case - and when a heroic nun makes a call to save a woman's life - she is excommunicated and the hospital is stripped of it's "Catholic" status. (The problem with religiously affiliated hospitals is a topic for another post).
It's time to make it clear that the health and lives of women will not be a political football any longer. The vast majority of Americans believe in contraception. The majority of Americans still believe that women have the right to choose. It's time politicians start paying attention to the collective conscience of the country on the issues facing women.
- The $1.2 Trillion and counting that has been spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Bush Tax Cuts
- John Boehner's tanning habit
I may not like every policy/decision my employer makes - but as long as it's legal, I have an obligation to act on those policies or be fired. Why does a pharmacist get to 'opt-out'?
I believe Catholic hospitals should be required by law to do everything in their power to save the life of a pregnant woman - even if that means aborting a fetus. However, that is not the case - and when a heroic nun makes a call to save a woman's life - she is excommunicated and the hospital is stripped of it's "Catholic" status. (The problem with religiously affiliated hospitals is a topic for another post).
It's time to make it clear that the health and lives of women will not be a political football any longer. The vast majority of Americans believe in contraception. The majority of Americans still believe that women have the right to choose. It's time politicians start paying attention to the collective conscience of the country on the issues facing women.